Taking Fingerprints

Our Fingerprint Kits are sent free of charge and should be delivered within 2-3 business days of your order date. After you receive our Fingerprint Kit you can take your imprints easily at home and mail them back to us.

Fingerprint Kit is not recommended for children under 1 year old as their prints may not be defined enough. However it depends on each child and we recommend to inspect your child’s fingers before ordering your jewelry.

Your finished piece will look exactly like the wax imprint. Make sure you like your wax imprint before sending it back to us. You could also send us a picture of your wax imprint before mailing it back to us. 

There is no extra charge for double-sided fingerprint pieces.

Text Engraved on the Back

Please let us know in your e-mail the type of engraving you’d prefer to appear on the back. You can choose between initials, first name or hand written name to be engraved on the back of your jewelry. You can also include your child’s birth date. If you chose the hand written name option, please ask your child to write her / his name on any clean piece of paper and send it to us along with the prints.